The more you engage with customers the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.
-John Russell
I on Image’s testimonials
Following this brilliant advice, I sent out questionnaires to my recent clients to learn how they perceived my service, what they loved and what they wanted more. The feedback was really positive and made me feel proud to be able to serve such a wonderful clientele.
One of the people who answered was marketing consultant Dimitra who left me with these encouraging words. Thank you very much Dimitra! I am so happy you had a great experience with me!
Dimitra’s testimonial
“I enjoyed the process overall, from booking to the actual appointment and the after-sales service. You are very open, friendly and easy to relate to, and also very professional and well-prepared. I liked getting the printouts of the articles for the branding. I got a lot of information that de-mystified the whole “styling” issue for me. I always thought it was some kind of DNA/advanced skillset that I was simply born without. But now I feel much more confident to try out things I like and follow simple rules with regards to colours and shapes.
Would you like to share your image consulting experience with others?
I am working on a testimonials section where I will gather all the fantastic things people have said about my service. Do you want to give me feedback and profit of one extra month of free online consultation added on top of your current package? Please write me an email to [email protected] with subject “feedback” and I will send you the questionnaire.
Read more testimonials from my clients here.
Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback!
Your image consultant with an eye for detail
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