Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 2/3: Appearance. Discover the power of your personal style that flatters your best features.
Tag: WFH Style
WFH Style Advice
Profit from my WFH style advice here on I on Image’s blog. Look amazing when working from home and feel instantly more polished and professional.
I always select styles that are wearable and attainable. Capsule wardrobes and uniform dressing are close to my heart for their practicality and sustainability.
I want you to be able to enjoy dressing up for work with the following themes:
- Home office style made easy
- 9to5 looks for you to wear when working from home
- Business casual and business formal outfit ideas
- Personal style advice for working from home
- Personal shopping tips for busy business women
Enjoy looking great when working from home!
DISCLAIMER: I am using affiliate links in my blog and may earn a commission from your purchases. However, all my style recommendations are genuine and based on my personal style preferences. I want to offer you a beautiful fashion experience every time your visit this blog. Thank you so much for supporting I on Image!
Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 1/3: Communication
Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 1/3: Communication. Gain a better understanding of your verbal and non-verbal communication.
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